Tega Brain & Sam Lavigne: Eccentric Engineering
Tega Brain (she/her) is an artist and environmental engineer exploring issues of ecology, data, automation, and infrastructure. She is an Industry Associate Professor of integrated Design and Media at New York University and co-author of ‘Code as Creative Medium’ (2021). You can find more information on Tega and her work here https://tegabrain.com/about
Sam Lavigne (he/him) is an artist and educator whose work deals with data, surveillance, cops, natural language processing, and automation. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Design at UT Austin. You can learn about his work here https://lav.io/about/
Severin Matusek is a cultural theorist and founder of co—matter, a creative studio exploring the cultural and societal impact of new technologies.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Capitalism (IPC) recognizes the problem of adequately addressing climate change as the problem of addressing deregulated capitalism. https://tegabrain.com/Intergovernmental-Panel-on-Capitalism
Smell Dating is the world’s first smell based dating service that invites people to find new connections using only their noses. https://tegabrain.com/Smell-Dating
Solar Protocol is a network of solar-powered servers that collectively host a web platform. The platform is then served from wherever there is the most sunshine in the network. http://solarprotocol.net/
Synthetic Messenger is a botnet that attempts to artificially inflate the value of climate change news. http://syntheticmessenger.labr.io/
Fragile States is a funding project and archive of interviews with former political prisoners who have been incarcerated for climate activism. https://fragilestates.labr.io/
Perfect Sleep investigates sleep and dreaming as a potential climate engineering technology. https://perfectsleep.labr.io/
Code as Creative Medium (2021) is an essential guide for teaching and learning computational art and design: exercises, assignments, interviews, and more than 170 illustrations of creative work. https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262542043/code-as-creative-medium/
The Vienna Business Agency supports new companies, projects and products that develop Vienna's creative industries further. Find out more at viennabusinessagency.at.
Editorial Team (in alphabetical order): Carina Dala, Kesia Inkersole, Severin Matusek, Elisabeth Noever-Ginthör, Theresa Reimann-Dubbers, Alice Smith, Heinz Wolf
Theme Music by Hell Mutang.